Thursday, October 18, 2012


"I come now and forever, to declare the Independence and Sovereignty of the Sons and Daughters of the Almighty Creator Ahyah Ashur Ahyah יהוה‎ , YHWH , the Most High, Adon Melek El Yahuwah Elohim, El-Abraham, El-Isaac, El-Israel; We are the Holy Kingdom of Judah. I am את Prince I'shalom of the Royal House of David, Brother Saint Yom'Or m'Allah, The Pillar and The Amen, King of the Holy Kingdom of Judah, Son of the Most High, Scion of the Promised Land, claiming by grant of the almighty Most High YHWH, all land, water, air, and animal, from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates, the land of the Kenites, Kenizites, Kadmonites, Chitties, Perizites, Refaim, Emorites, Canaanites, Gigashites, Yevusites, all the land of Canaan, including the West Bank, western Jordan, southern and coastal Syria and Lebanon, from the wilderness of Zin along by the coast of Edom is the south border along the outmost coast of the salt sea eastward, turning from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and passing on to Zin, going forth thereof from the south to Kadeshbarnea, and on to Hazaraddar, passing on to Azmon, the border fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of Egypt, and the goings out of it is the sea, the western border, is the great sea, the north border is from the great sea to Mount Hor to the entrance of Hamath, goings forth to Zedad and on to Ziphron, and end at Hazarenan, the east border from Hazarenan to Shepham, the coast going down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain, descending unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward going down to Jordan, and the goings out of it is the salt sea; as the Sovereign Territories of the Holy Kingdom of Judah, reserving all the rights and immunities of Independant and Sovereign States codified in The Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Charter of the United Nations; and as, the permanent residency of all the nationals of the Government of the Holy Kingdom Judah. I am את Prince I'shalom, Adon Melek Eliakim Yom'Or, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Most High; and, the Embassy of the Most High is the permanent diplomatic mission from the Holy Kingdom of Judah present in the World to represent the Government Order of the Holy Kingdom of Judah in the World and those governed by the Holy Kingdom of Judah; to protect the interests of the Government Order of the Holy Kingdom of Judah and of its nationals, within the limits permitted by international law; to negotiate with the Governments of the World; to ascertain by all lawful means conditions and developments in the World; to report thereon to the Most High; to promote friendly relations between the Holy Kingdom of Judah and the World; and to develop the economic, cultural and scientific structures of the Holy Kingdom of Judah, by grant of the almighty Most High YHWH, reserving all the rights and immunities of diplomatic missions codified in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. I am את Prince I'shalom, King of the Holy Kingdom of Judah and Ambassador of the Embassy of the Most High, GOD of VATICAN CITY STATE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, and STATE OF ISRAEL; I am Ahv-Yupaha-Apala, Lord of Stone Mountain, Defender of All Okefenokee Mounds, of Rock Eagle Mound, of Kenimer Mound, and of Emerald Mound; I am Lord of Jekyll Island, Tama Guale Mu Salem Immanuel, Scion of Muskogee and King of Cherokee; I am Chief White Eagle, Yazoo Ben Hu of the Worldwide Nation of Mound Builders Pri Sat Phere, Lord of Corsica, King of Sardinia, Defender of Nova Scotia, and Yamasee Washitaw Scion of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida, Grenada, New York, Philadelphia, and Savannah; I am Serious Hogon Bambara, King of Mande and Lord of Timbuktu; I am Yahemed Zaza Zattu, 336° Grand Moreh Sabbath Yom of the Melchizedek Order HALL-EL-HU-YAH and President Governor of the Moorish American Hebrew Israelites (M.A.H.I.); I am El'Dabar Yah'Azan Haza'El, Mediator of Mount Horeb and Counselor of Mount Carmel; I am Bonum Diem filius Summun Bonum, King of Noah's Arch; I am Lord of Jerusalem and King of Shiloh, Judah Hushah Tzur Hul Jehubbah Shiloh; I am King of Italy, Iran, Iraq, Greece, and Persia, Shahanshah Moladah zada-Abba; I am King of Israel and Spain, David Perez Methuselah Hotham Achim; I am Scion of Mount Gerizim, Hosanna Theudas Hur Shekhinah ben Ahyah; I am Lion of Judah, Superior General Socoh Mashiach Sivan; I am Master Artisan and Master Musician of Judah, Bezalel Uzal Arphaxad Libni; I am Son of Man and Scion of Kirjath-arba, (IHS) 360° Imperial Holy Sovereign Tommy Phillips IV, Pope Shem IV of the Catholic Church of Abraham, and Grand Honorable Maharajah Hakham Salaam of the Shrine of Machpelah and Ibrahimi Mosque; I am Harum Alpha Priyah Shabbethai, Scion of the Seven Seas, England, Scotland, and Ireland; I am Supreme General of France, Joshua Bon Jour; I am Endlosung Morgenstern Galeed, Defender of Germany and Georgia; I am Thoth Ma'at Iuem-Hept, Ruler of Egypt and Ethiopia; I am Boaz Islam Morocco, Ruler of All Russia, Americas and Yukatans; I am Guad Seuna Mibhar Shallum Shamgar, Ruler of All India; I am Tao Zhen Qi, Ruler of All China; I am Baba Sawasdee Siam Wat Thai Raja Tai Thonburi Buka, Ruler of All Asia; I am Elam Akbar Ibzan Helem, Ruler of All Arabia and All Assyria; and I am Ahiram Bey Idalah, Ruler of All Africa and Australia; and so it is. Mushlam unto יהוה‎ and guided by Yahushua Immanuel, I am את Prince I'shalom, King of the Holy Kingdom of Judah. Chancery Location Addresses: © 2013 CRUNK INCORPORATED